Hasura vs AWS AppSync - Which GraphQL Backend Platform is Better for App Development

September 01, 2021

Hasura vs AWS AppSync - Which GraphQL Backend Platform is Better for App Development

GraphQL has become increasingly popular in recent years as a powerful tool for API development. It allows developers to create efficient, flexible, and easy-to-use APIs that meet the needs of the application users. However, choosing the right GraphQL backend platform for app development can be a daunting task.

Hasura and AWS AppSync are two popular GraphQL backend platforms that have gained a lot of attention in the app development community. In this post, we will compare these two platforms and explore the similarities and differences between them.


When it comes to performance, Hasura and AWS AppSync differ significantly. Hasura is known for its high performance and can handle thousands of queries per second. On the other hand, AWS AppSync uses AWS Lambda, which can slow down performance if the Lambda function takes longer to complete.

Ease of Use

Hasura is extremely easy to use and comes with a user-friendly interface for creating new tables, relationships, and adding data. AWS AppSync has a steeper learning curve due to the complexity of AWS tools and services.


Both Hasura and AWS AppSync provide scalability features. However, Hasura has an edge over AWS AppSync as it can be deployed on any infrastructure platform, including Kubernetes, Docker, or on any cloud platform. Meanwhile, AWS AppSync requires users to use AWS services, which can limit its scalability.


Hasura is a free and open-source GraphQL backend platform, which makes it a cost-effective choice. AWS AppSync is a part of the AWS ecosystem and can be costly due to the integration of various AWS services.

Community Support

Hasura has a very active community that provides excellent support for developers. AWS AppSync also has a good community but, being an AWS product, the community support is more geared towards AWS development.


Hasura and AWS AppSync are both excellent GraphQL backend platforms for app development with their own strengths and weaknesses. Hasura is a great choice for its ease of use, high performance, and scalability on any platform. AWS AppSync is better for developers who are already using AWS services and are comfortable with more complex tools. Ultimately, the right choice depends on the specific needs and requirements of your application.


  1. Hasura
  2. AWS AppSync
  3. Comparing the GraphQL API Performance of Hasura and AWS AppSync
  4. Hasura vs AppSync

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